Thursday, March 1, 2012

Month in Review - February's Most Popular Posts

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March has definitely come in like a lion this year as schools are closed all over Maine this morning. February was a big month for Free Technology for Teachers. In February the 44,000 subscriber mark was passed as was the 19,000 Facebook likes mark. Thank you for helping to spread the reach of Free Technology for Teachers.

These were the most popular posts in February, 2012:
1. 29 Days of Android Apps for Teachers and Students
2. 30 Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers
3. Gooru - Great Collections of Science and Math Resources
4. Three Browser Extensions Every Teacher Should Try
5. A Nice Primer on Google Apps for the iPad
6. Using ShowMe to Create Lessons on iPads
7. Stocks, Dividends, and Inflation Explained in Under Two Minutes
8. 7 Tools Students Can Use to Manage Group Projects
9. ThinkB4U - Web Safety Tutorials from Google
10. Take an Interactive Journey Through U.S. History

Please visit the official advertisers and marketing partners that help keep this blog going.
LearnBoost provides a free online gradebook service for teachers.
MasteryConnect provides a network for teachers to share and discover Common Core assessments.
The Worth Ave Group offers insurance plans for school technology.
Fifty Sneakers offers a great service for creating multimedia online quizzes. is a provider of free educational games for K-5.
Lesley University offers quality online graduate programs for teachers.
The University of Maryland Baltimore County offers graduate programs for teachers. In April I will be holding another free public webinar through UMBC.
Ed Tech Teacher offers professional development services for schools.

How to Subscribe to Free Technology for Teachers
If you aren't subscribed you can join 44,000 others who do via these links.
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Are you looking for a keynote speaker or workshop facilitator?
Click here for information about what I can do for you.

This weekend I will be speaking at the EdTech Teacher 2012 Winter Conference in Boston. There is still time to register. 
Next week I will be speaking at NCTIES on March 7-9, you won't want to miss the Best of the Web Smackdown I'm doing with Steven Anderson

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