Sunday, February 12, 2012

A Short Biography of Thomas Edison and Some Lesson Plans

In a case of YouTube's "related videos" suggestions actually being useful, after watching this video about the history of calendars, I discovered this short video biography of Thomas Edison. Even though the end of the video does reveal the producer's bias, the video does a nice job of explaining Edison's contributions to the conveniences of modern life.

Applications for Education
The video could be a good match for these Edison lessons offered through EDSITEment. EDSITEment offers four lesson activities that are designed to be used together, but with some slight modifications they could be used individually. The purpose of the EDSITEment lessons is to get students to investigate and analyze how Edison's inventions influenced life in the early 20th Century and how those inventions have influenced life today.

On a related note, if you're ever in the Fort Myers, Florida area, I highly recommend visiting the Edison & Ford Winter Estates.

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