Friday, February 24, 2012

Watchily - Search Multiple Video Providers With One Click

If you've ever been searching for a movie or television show that you want to show in school or watch at home, but you have been frustrated by performing the same search on multiple sites, try Watchily next time.

Watchily is a search engine that pulls results from popular movie and television show providers. Enter your search in Watchily and get results from Hulu, Netflix, Vudu, HBOGo, iTunes, Amazon, MaxGo, Comcast XFINITY, Redbox, and Showtime Anytime. Watchily results can be refined according to movie/ television content rating, price, duration of video, genre, and hosting service.

Applications for Education
Watchily is not going to change the way we teach or the way that students learn, but it could save you time the next time you're looking for a video that you want to use in your classroom.

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