Monday, February 13, 2012

VidCaster - A Video Website Creator

VidCaster is a new service designed to give you a place to build your own video website. At its most basic free level, VidCaster is a dressed-up background for your YouTube video uploads. You can connect your YouTube account to your VidCaster account to display all or some of the videos that you have uploaded to YouTube.

VidCaster provides you with a nice selection of display templates as well as tool for creating categories of videos on your VidCaster site. You can take a look at my VidCaster site here. As you will see when you visit my VidCaster site, I was able to choose the url at which my site is located.

Applications for Education
To be clear, VidCaster is not a work-around for accessing YouTube behind a firewall. If your students have created a collection of videos in your classroom, VidCaster provides a nice way to display and share them outside of the YouTube ecosystem. I'm thinking that students who trying to showcase some of their video productions as part of an application to prospective colleges could benefit from the professional look of a VidCaster site.

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