Sunday, February 26, 2012

Submissions Still Being Accepted for the Classroom 2.0 Book

Last month Steve Hargadon, Chris Dawson, and I put out the call for submissions to the Classroom 2.0 Fifth Anniversary Book. We have had a steady flow of submissions over the last month. And there is still time for you to make a contribution. Contributing to the book is a great opportunity to have your voice heard by a large audience of teachers, school administrators, and other stake-holders in the world of education.

If you're interested in contributing to the Classroom 2.0 Fifth Anniversary Book Project, you can read the call for submissions here. Here are some bullet points about contributing to the book.
  • All submissions will be displayed online on the Classroom 2.0 Scribd page. 
  • Some submissions will be chosen for inclusion in the printed version of the book. 
  • Our hope is that the printed book will be able to reach an audience that doesn't typically get involved in social media/ Web 2.0 and prompt that audience to investigate the benefits of using technology in schools.
  • As a contributor to the project you may be able to reach a wider audience than you could on your own. From my experience with other projects like this, all contributors end up reaching a larger audience due to the mutual sharing of content by all contributors.
  • Here again is the call for submissions to the Classroom 2.0 Fifth Anniversary Book Project

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