Saturday, February 25, 2012

Week in Review - The Snow is Back and I Am Too

Good morning from Maine where the snow has returned and I have too. If you were on vacation this week as I was, I hope that you enjoyed your time away from school.    Speaking of vacation, thank you to all of the guest bloggers who stepped-in for me this week. I enjoyed reading all of the guest posts and I hope that all of you did too.

It's seems hard to believe, but the month is almost over. Next month I'll be speaking at three public events. If I'm in your area please come out and say hello. These are the three public events at which I will be speaking.
Ed Tech Teacher 2012 Winter Conference - March 3
NCTIES Annual Conference - March 7-9
Teacher 2 Teacher - March 22-23

Here are this week's most popular posts:
1. Using ShowMe to Create Lessons on iPads
2. Flipping Your Classroom with Free Web Tools
3. Browse for Primary Sources on the World Digital Library Map
4. Visualizing Cultures - Image-Driven Scholarship
5. Technology Education for Pre-Service Teachers
6. Web 2.0 Collaborative Projects in Middle School
7. Creating Interactive Bulletin Boards

Please visit the official advertisers and marketing partners that help keep this blog going.
LearnBoost provides a free online gradebook service for teachers.
MasteryConnect provides a network for teachers to share and discover Common Core assessments.
The Worth Ave Group offers insurance plans for school technology.
Fifty Sneakers offers a great service for creating multimedia online quizzes. is a provider of free educational games for K-5.
Lesley University offers quality online graduate programs for teachers.
The University of Maryland Baltimore County offers graduate programs for teachers. In April I will be holding another free public webinar through UMBC.
Ed Tech Teacher offers professional development services for schools.

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